Today you can book a flight, a hotel or a car in only one mouse click! But even if it seems easy, make sure the offer you are willing to accept online fits your needs and expectations! Take your time and compare the offers of online platforms/online travel agencies and traders. A seemingly good deal is not necessarily a real bargain for you!
Taxes included
Prices need to be indicated inclusive of all mandatory fees and taxes in a clear way and at the beginning of the booking process!
What “extras” do you need?
In case you would like to add extras like breakfast, checked-in luggage or 1-way rental for your rented car, verify whether these services were included and if not look for the list of “extras” so as to see the full price of the service you want to book?
Take your time!
Check the cancellation policy first – Often you cannot cancel even right after the booking.
Avoid booking before being sure that the data you entered is correct and the offer fits your needs and expectations. Double check always!
Are you flexible in dates?
If not make sure the flexible-dates-function is not pre-set.
Insurance? Know what you get!
Ask yourself what kind of insurance you really need and verify the terms and conditions of the policies you’ve already signed (credit cards for instance)
Read the terms and conditions of insurance policies before accepting them and avoid paying for unnecessary insurances.
Read carefully!
Are there pre-set extras? Pre-ticked boxes? This is not legal in the EU! Complain to your national ECC if you come across such practices. If you do not want to add the extra service to your reservation, untick the box before booking.
How to pay?
Be aware that credit card fees might be added to the initially indicated price and look for information on this.
Be on the safe side!
In case of problems, make sure you have screenshots as proof that your claim is founded! So take print screens of what you are booking.
Double check!
Before pressing “book now” check the displayed data very precisely: Read the page from the left to the right rim, from top to bottom. Even right after the booking, changing data will most probably be fee-incurring. Remember, your booking can be binding even if you did not have to enter credit card or bank account data before pressing the “book now” button.
Check your e-mail!
Booking confirmations or important notes will be sent by e-mail by the trader. Please check them. Bear in mind that such e-mails might sometimes be automatically transferred to your Junk-Mail box.