Shopping on-line Internet provides you with opportunities to shop in convenience of your home whenever you have time and you need or …View article
Shopping online If I buy goods or a service from a trader abroad my consumer rights may be different to my country. Law of which country is applied when I buy online? If trader pursues his commercial or professional activities in the member state of usual residence of the consumer or the …View article
Shopping online Trader hasn’t delivered my wedding dress before the wedding? Do I have right to withdraw from the contract? Purchase of a wedding dress falls into circumstances where the delivery period is essential. If you stated in contract that delivery …View article
Shopping online What to do if something you ordered hasn’t arrived? If you paid goods by a credit card and goods were not delivered, you can contact your bank and ask …View article
Shopping online Which is the safest payment method? The most secure payment method is to pay after the receipt of your package. Unless trader delivers the goods before …View article