Rail passengers rights

If you take the train across a border within the EU,  under the Rail Passengers Regulation 1371/2007, common minimum rules apply throughout Europe  and you are entitled to certain rights. These rules apply to delays of more than one hour in departure or on arrival. The same applies in cases of missed connections or cancelled trains.  In most cases the rules also apply to train journeys within one country.

In principle the Regulation,  applies to all rail journeys and services throughout the EU provided by one or more licensed railway undertakings. However, Member States are permitted to grant certain temporary or permanent exemptions.

If you take the train across a border within the EU,  under the Rail Passengers Regulation 1371/2007, common minimum rules apply throughout Europe  and you are entitled to certain rights. These rules apply to delays of more than one hour in departure or on arrival. The same applies in cases of missed connections or cancelled trains.  In most cases the rules also apply to train journeys within one country.

In principle the Regulation,  applies to all rail journeys and services throughout the EU provided by one or more licensed railway undertakings. However, Member States are permitted to grant certain temporary or permanent exemptions.